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Tracking cutting tools in the machine

The possibilities of the 2D.ID solution are constantly growing. What could be achieved only with great effort and expensive modules so far, can also be implemented with standard 2D industrial scanner now. Due to the unique identifier, the movements of the tools and their position in the current production determine can be watched at any time.

LAN / WLAN will be redirected to identify results to the central data management within the company. There is reference to the user ID (which IP address is sent) saved the tracking result with time stamp online.

The combination of real-time location data and state requirements, the data can now be compared and used for further applications. A further application besides the monitoring and tool tracking is the support of the quality assurance with the documentation workflow. It is also possible to define work requirements (max. Cutting time) of a tool and link it with the detecting of this 2D.ID certain consequences like a warning.