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The free of charge registration gives each manufacturer of components and parts a permanent access to the portal and to the 2D.ID generator. As a registered user account you get the possibility to generate different profiles for the identification of your components and articles. Within these profiles you can define what kind of additional information in the 2D.ID should be stored and who you will give access to these.

Here: Create a free account

 Contact us for more information!   Test the demo search page!
Type in the search field:
"Demo, Demo1, Demo2...Demo12"



 Your advantages


From the Manufacturer/ Supplier to the customer

Your customers can retrieve your centrally stored manufacturer information from the 2D.ID Portal easily and free of charge.

 Individual Customization

Receive globally unique 2D codes for your article. Through this, you can easily and individually enter and manage your item information on the 2D.ID Portal according by your own rules.

Avoid input errors

By scanning of the 2D codes, you avoid searching errors.

Expand your market

You can strengthen your market position by providing the new (2D.ID) identification process.


Your customers obtain through the 2D.ID portal the information worldwide in a 24/7 mode.

Time saving

By using the 2D.ID portal with the unique code for your provided articles, you generate a big amount of time saving for your customers in the search process.